ïsa agosto

A resource for those restless educators, burnt-out writers, and Spanish-language learners, by a Caribbean author and forever nerd. 


La verdad prohibida

A novel

Diez tazas de café

Short stories



La coma y sus usos

La coma y sus usos

“La puntuación es la respiración de una oración”, dijo uno de mis profesores de gramática. En español, existen alrededor de catorce signos de puntuación que se utilizan para estructurar y clarificar el texto escrito. Estos signos son esenciales para la claridad y la...

The Ugly Reality of Living on a Tropical Island 

The Ugly Reality of Living on a Tropical Island 

Puerto Rico's Unspoken Struggles Ponce, Puerto RicoPhoto by ïsa agosto Some people think that living on a tropical island like Puerto Rico, images of beautiful beaches, magical culture, and a relaxing lifestyle often come to mind. However, behind that façade lies an...

From Communications to Education

From Communications to Education

The Career that Chose Me Whenever I think about my journey in Education, I realize that my path hasn't been the most conventional. First, I majored in Mass Media Communications during my undergraduate studies, and while I enjoyed my college career and everything that...

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